Posts Tagged ‘University of the West Indies’

so we choose the name Jamaica’s numba 1 blog for one purpose…to get you interested. we make no claims at present to being the best blog in Jamaica…but i guarantee we will be before long. what do we write about? Every and anything from Vybz Kartel’s new hair style to the budget just concluded; from the death of the worlds most wanted man Osama Bin Laden to the political instability in the Middle East. we at jamaicanumba1blog believe that too long we’ve been too passive in Jamaica to analysing and discussing local events as well as international happenings. we welcome all comments and discussions on any raised topic. so if your passionate about politics, entertainment, world events or just like reading the opinion of other people to make one of your own then this blog is for you. if you just need to defend your political party or your favourite entertainer by CUSSING out this blog…your welcome as well as no attention is bad attention as proven by the most lyrically inclined dancehall artist of this generation Mr. Vybz Kartel turning taboo sexual and social topics into everyday discussions in the media and in the schools through the hungry youths he feeds his most diligently prepared stew; but that’s for a different time or better yet a different post.